
Vrindanand Elite

Company - Makwana and Tanmay Construction

Type - Residential

Location - NIBM

Built Up Area - 11,000 Sq ft

Role - Contractor

Ruia Chambers

Company - India Safety Vault

Type - Commercial

Location - Hadapsar

Built Up Area - 45,000 sq ft

Role - Contractor

India Terry Towel Pvt Ltd

Company - India Terry Towel Pvt Ltd

Type - Handloom Factory

Location - Bhigwan

Built Up Area - 1,86,000 sq ft

Role - Contractor

Pushpa Steel

Company - Ganraj Ispat

Type - Steel Factory

Location - Supa

Built Up Area - 86,000 sq ft

Role - Contractor

Pushpa International School

Company - Pushpa

Type - Industrial

Location - Supa

Built Up Area - 86,000 sq ft

Role - Contractor

Cattle Feed Factory

Company - Evergreen Mrudula Agro-Vet Pvt Ltd

Type - Cattle Feed Manufacturer

Location - Supa, MIDC

Built Up Area - 40,000 sq ft

Role - Contractor

Ozone Villas

Company - Raviraj Group

Type - Residential row houses

Location - Wagholi

Built Up Area - 13,000sq ft.

Role - Contractor

Project by - Umesh Bora

Yellow Blossom

Company - Raviraj Group

Type - Residential

Location - Wagholi

Built Up Area - 39,000 sq. ft.

Role - Contractor

Project by - Umesh Bora


Company - Shri Siddeshwar Development

Type - Residential

Location - Chandani Chowk, Pune

Built Up Area - 20,000 sq ft

Role - Contractor

Project by - Umesh Bora

Kumar Palm

Company - Kumar Properties

Type - Residential

Location - Kondhwa, Pune

Built Up Area - 75,000 sq ft

Role - Contractor

Project by - Umesh Bora


Company - Suhas Gaikwad

Type - Private Bungalow

Location - Indapur, Raigad

Built Up Area - 8,000 sq ft

Role - Contractor

Project by - Umesh Bora

Green house development

Company - Ghodawat Foods

Type - Industrial

Location - Jaisinghpur

Built Up Area - 43 acres

Role - Consultant with Raaj Group

Project by - Umesh Bora

Choradia Foods Ltd

Company - Choradia Foods Ltd

Type - Industrial

Location - Shirval

Built Up Area - 10,000 sq ft

Role - Contractor

Project by - Umesh Bora

New Poona Cotton Factory

Company - Harish Shah

Type - Industrial

Location - Kondhwa, Pune

Built Up Area - 18,000 sq ft

Role - Contractor

Project by - Umesh Bora

Bora Agro Foods

Company - Bora Agro Foods

Type - Industrial

Location - Urli Kanchan

Built Up Area - 65,000 sq ft

Role - Partial Contract

Project by - Umesh Bora


Company - Maharashtra Govt.

Type - Government

Location - Amravati

Built Up Area - 8,40,000lts

Role - Contractor

Project by - Umesh Bora

Siddharth Enterprises

Company - Siddharth Enterprises

Type - Industrial

Location - Aurangabad

Built Up Area - 45,000 sq ft

Role - Contractor

Project by - Umesh Bora

Microtech Industries

Company - Microtech Industries

Type - Industrial Shade

Location - Sanaswadi

Built Up Area - 24,000 sq ft

Role - Contractor

Project by - Umesh Bora

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